Participation in the CEFood Congress

23-26 May 2016 at the National University of Food Technologies held the 8th Central European Congress on Food Science CEFood 2016. This year’s slogan of the Congress «Food Science for Well-being» announce that the food science defines its aim to ensure mankind high quality and safety food. Considerable attention was paid to the food industry, ecotourism, and training of highly qualified specialists, transfer of technology and knowledge sharing.

Representatives from the Odessa national Academy of food technologies were: Casino, Mariana A. (assistant Professor, DEP. technology restaurant and Wellness nutrition), Khvostenko Ekaterina Vladimirovna (assistant, DEP. technology of bread, confectionery, pasta and food concentrates), Truncal Olga Valentinovna (assistant Professor, DEP. technologies of wine and oenology), Miller L. A. (postgraduate student, DEP. technology of meat, fish and seafood).

At the Congress, the graduate student of our Department Miller Lyudmila took part in posterne session “About the quality of poultry meat” (supervisor Ph. D., Assoc. Povarova, N. M.) for which he was awarded a certificate.

Professor of department of Biotechnologies, canned products and drinks, the Dr. Sci, Prof.  Yakov  G. Verkhivker  have talked on the congress with the message about the topic “POWER REPRESENTATION of FUNCTIONING of FOOD PRODUCTION” in which exergy approach to an assessment of efficiency of the applied technological schemes of production of finished canning goods from food raw materials has been presented. Material of the message has caused discussion of audience and has been approved by experts.

The members of the chair of bakery, confectionary product, macaroni and food concentrate technologies D. of Sc., prof. Iorgachova K.G, PhD, ass. Prof. Makarova O.V and Ph.D., assist. Khvostenko K.V took part in the Congress. Their report «Technological solutions for stabilization quality of confectionary products with different textures using waxy wheat flour» was presented at the section «Young food scientists – our horizon» and took 1st place. Congratulations to the winners!

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